Real Problem Solving – Kitchen Bot – Part 2
Recap – in the part 1 of the story, we have discussed about a conceptual design of the kitchen bot which can potentially,
- Carry and Serve Tea & Snacks to the family members & guests
- Collect the soiled plates and glasses from the guests once they are done eating
- Pick the food from the floor and make sure the floor is clean
We will first select one of the feature and start working on it
Carry and Serve TEA OR COFFEE to the family members and guests.
So, what’s next?
How do I begin prototyping?
Should I fix on a budget first approach?
Should I fix on a quality first approach?
Should I look for inspirations around the market, reverse engineer them and imitate a new version relevant to my need?
What is the your next step?
Remember the beginning need not be the same in your case.
(feel free to comment – will get in touch with ya)
Derive – D4
So how do we Derive what is best for the POC ?
What resources aka Building Blocks really gets my project into a reality
The material, human skill and budget
The prerequisite to this is a detailed conceptual design of the product or a solution we are envisioning
So let’s shift our gear to D3 again
Design - D3
Digging deep into the Design…
The Design (D3) Carrying Tea & Snacks can be further detailed into granular specifications
- A fragile glass or a cup – carrying hot drink
- Dimensions, Weight, Material and other specifications of the cup
- Min & Max Volume of the Drink
- Type of surface to hold the cup
- Wheels vs Legs vs Legs with integrated Wheels
- A fabricated one vs a 3D printed bot?
- Fixed Tray to hold the cup vs Modular Replaceable Trays
- Should it deliver between kitchen and the dining table? Or to a Coffee table in the drawing room? Let’s select one such path.
- Navigation between the paths? Fixed path? Point A to B to begin with?
This list can go on… think of more such Design aspects which can add granularity to the POC
Can I use an existing Kung-Fu Panda 🐼 toy at home to test my concept? Why not?
Add a tray to it & see if it can hold the drink ? Saves time isn’t it. At least to get the proof of concept. No harm in trying this.
So many questions leading to confusion on where to begin. I know this is where we depend on D4 activity (Derive). The most important activity that will help us shift between the other activities (D1 to D6)
I will add more details in the part 3 of the story while you think and come up with more granular design aspects of the bot which will reflect upon DERIVING the right building blocks for our iteration 1
Note: This story is not a blind instruction manual to create a bot, rather a use case to help anyone understand the Innovation Process, Journey, Challenges, Confusions, Bottlenecks that can strategically be overcome.
Happy Problem Solving
Srikanth Talluri